Social program What do to in Bonn?
Social program
There will be a conference dinner on Tuesday evening, at the Universitätsclub Bonn, where we will have a buffet. The fee for the dinner is 20 EUR per person, and includes food and drinks. Because the dinner takes place already on the second day of the conference, please register beforehand, if you want to attend (and notify us if you will bring a companion).
Boat trip, Wednesday afternoon
We will have a boat trip on the Rhine on Wednesday afternoon. During the trip,
cake and coffee/tea will be offered. The fee for this excursion, to be paid
cash at the conference, is 10 EUR. You help us enormously if you register for the
excursion beforehand!
Trip to Cologne, Friday afternoon
Furthermore we will offer an excursion to Cologne on Friday afternoon. We will go there by train, and there will be an opportunity to visit the cathedral. The fee for the excursion is 5 EUR (= the cost of a group train ticket per person). We have arranged a guided tour of the cathedral (at an additional fee of 5 EUR), for a limited number of participants - please indicate, if you want to take part.
What to do in Bonn?
We will assemble here some suggestions how to spend your spare time in Bonn.Jewish mathematicians in the German-language academic culture
A traveling exposition during the Year of Mathematics in Germany, which will be in Bonn during the second half of the conference. It is located in the Wissenschaftszentrum Bonn, which can be reached from the center conveniently by the subway. Further information, Map (The Wissenschaftszentrum is at the point marked "A" in the lower right.)
Botanical Gardens Bonn
If you just want to take a short walk, you could visit the botanical gardens which surround the Poppelsdorfer Schloss, the small castle at the end of Poppelsdorfer Allee. This is very close to the math department. The gardens belong to the oldest ones in Germany, and also have one of the largest selections of different plant species. (Opening hours: daily, except Saturday; 9am-6pm)
A museum whose main exhibition, Calculating in olden and modern times, features a large collection of historical mechanical calculating machines, historical arithmetic books dating back to Gutenberg's times, but also information about very-large-scale integrated logic chips. In addition, an art exhibition about intuitive and constructive geometry, featuring paintings and african masks from the Arithmeum collection, is shown.
Address: Lennestr. 2 (close to H7 on the map), opening hours: Tue-Sun, 11am-6pm. Admission: 3 EUR.
Along the "museum mile" there are several museums quite close to each other: the House of the History of the Federal Republic of Germany; the Art and Exhibition hall, currently showing the exhibitions "Rome and the Barbarians - Europe during the Migration Period", and "Child Soldiers - Forced to be Cruel! Internationally-renown photographers document the fate of child soldiers"; the Bonn museum of Modern Art; the Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig; the German Museum Bonn, a museum for contemporary research and technology.
Currently showing the exposition "Home Environments: Still Lifes, Interiors, and Decorative Arts in Rhenish Expressionism".
Address: Bornheimer Str. 95 (not far from H2 on the map), opening hours: Tue-Fri: 2:30-6pm, Sat, Sun, legal holidays: 11am-5pm. Admission: 3.50 EUR
You can reach Cologne quite conveniently using one of the regional trains from Bonn main station. Note that you must by a ticket before the trip; tickets cannot be bought on the train. In Cologne there is a large number of sights, for instance the cathedral and numerous museums of all kinds. You could also consider visiting the Kölner Philharmonie, where concerts are held almost daily, or the Kölner Oper, the opera house of Cologne.